Forex, diamonds and employee savings remain sources of dispute

Savers cheated after having invested in Forex, this unregulated market, are however less numerous this year.

This is a first for five years: the number of complaints files received by the mediator of the Financial Markets Authority (AMF), who attended the savers with a financial intermediary, dropped by 9 % last year . Among the reasons explaining this good news is the fall in half of the disputes affecting Forex, this unregulated market subject to high variations.

Since January 1, 2017, advertising for these very risky investments and which sometimes prove to be real scams is prohibited. The savers who let themselves be taken in trap are therefore logically fewer. This happy news is however offset by the development of complaints linked to investment diamonds. Since May 2017, their sale must be authorized by the AMF. No professional being authorized to date, all intermediaries offering this type of placement are illegal!

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